Art, cities and wellbeing - TCCE panel

I really admire The Culture Capital Exchange for the breadth matched with depth of the programme they offer, and I am delighted to be joining its first TCCE Arts and Health forum of 2023, on 21 February, on the role of art in ‘making our cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’ – the 11th of the 17 UN sustainable development goals - exploring the possible effects this may have on our health and wellbeing.  

As TCCE says:

The interplay between different areas of knowledge of art and health inspires experimental approaches while generating real impact in society. As we have seen recently, many creative initiatives were at the centre of tackling isolation and anxiety during the covid19 pandemic. These have proved to be effective and pivotal for promoting resilience, inclusivity, and a more socially just access to health and wellbeing, through for example radical health, creative health, and social prescribing. The way in which we relate to places in the everyday, where we live, work, play and walk, has been recognised as having a crucial role on the process of identity formation and a profound effect on our wellbeing and mental health. This event sets out to explore this topic in greater detail.

Contributors include: TCCE Arts and Health Forum Co-Lead, Dr Elena Cologni, Anglia Ruskin University, Dr Cara Courage, Emily Godden, Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University, Artist, Creative Technologist, Educator and founder of social enterprise Virtually There Studio, Frances Alderton, Cultural Services and Events Manager at Cambridge City Council. Chair: Evelyn Wilson, Director TCCE and Co-Director NCACE.


More information and to book here.



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