Engagement Curation Arts in Society Journal

I have been given the wonderful opportunity to think and write on what ‘engagement curation’ means to me, by the Daniel Tucker, Associate Professor and Director of Museum Studies at University of the Arts, for a special edition of the International Journal of Arts in Society.

Daniel and I met when I spoke on ‘the museum as relational object’ at the 2019 Lisbon Arts in society gathering, and my piece for the Journal will extend this thinking through curation, co-creation and audience development in the museum context.

In their words, ‘The practice of “engagement curating” has arisen amidst calls to radically rethink museums and exhibition practices and labor organizing in the arts sector as a way to negotiate these concerns while working at the intersection of historically compartmentalized divisions of interpretation/education/public programming. This special issue intends to invite reflections on what works, what does not work and what is possible moving forward.’

Founded in 2000, the Arts in Society Research Network offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the role of the arts in society - this takes place in annual conferences and publications.

The tentative date of publication is June 2024.


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